Come join us for our Pre-K Graduation and performance. The three's and four's year old will be
performing as well as the graduating class.
Please be here no later than 10:50, we will begin at 11:00.
After the program everyone is invited to have lunch on the lawn (please pack a sack of lunch for you and your child, as well as a blanket to sit on).
PDO will provide ice cream for everyone.
This will be the last day of school. Summer session will begin June 12th.
performing as well as the graduating class.
Please be here no later than 10:50, we will begin at 11:00.
After the program everyone is invited to have lunch on the lawn (please pack a sack of lunch for you and your child, as well as a blanket to sit on).
PDO will provide ice cream for everyone.
This will be the last day of school. Summer session will begin June 12th.
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